
Nov 22, 2024

A simple way to unlock more focus and productivity

6 min read


5 min video


Nov 22, 2024

A simple way to unlock more focus and productivity

6 min read


5 min video


Nov 22, 2024

A simple way to unlock more focus and productivity

6 min read


5 min video

Imagine sitting at your desk, ready to tackle the day's tasks. Instead of making progress, you're spinning your wheels, caught in a cycle of unproductive habits. You're battling distractions and feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of decisions you face daily. But what if the key to breaking free from this cycle isn't about working harder or pushing through the chaos? It's about changing the input.

This concept applies to nearly every aspect of your life, from diet and exercise to productivity and work habits. It's about altering the input rather than fighting against the result while continuing to do the wrong things. Change the input, change the output. In many cases, it's that simple.

Why changing the input matters

In our hyper-connected world, we're constantly bombarded with information, notifications, and demands on our attention. This overload leads to decision fatigue, making it increasingly difficult to focus on what truly matters. By changing the input, we can reduce overwhelm and increase our capacity to make better decisions and engage in more meaningful work.

How to apply the concept of changing input

Let's break down how we can apply this concept into a few key steps:

1. Identify your current inputs

Take a close look: Examine your daily routine, work environment, and the information you consume. Ask yourself: What's cluttering your mental space? Are you constantly checking emails or social media? Are you surrounded by distractions in your workspace?

2. Prioritize and streamline your inputs

Be selective: This doesn't mean cutting out everything, but rather being intentional about what you allow into your physical and mental space. Set specific times for checking emails or social media, rather than allowing them to interrupt you constantly. Create a workspace that minimizes distractions and promotes focus. Choose to consume information that aligns with your goals, rather than mindlessly scrolling through valueless content.

3. Implement systems to support your new inputs

Create structures: This could be as simple as using a daily handwritten to-do list to organize your tasks, or adopting a productivity system like time-blocking. Divide your day into specific time slots and assign tasks or activities to each block, helping you focus on one thing at a time and manage your energy more effectively. The key is to create structures that support your desired behaviours and make it easier to maintain your new, more focused inputs.

4. Be patient and consistent

Give it time: Changing ingrained habits takes time. You might not see immediate results, but stick with it. Over time, you'll notice that you're able to focus more easily, make decisions more confidently, and feel less overwhelmed by the demands of your day. By better managing your inputs, you're giving your brain the opportunity to think more deeply. This leads to better cognitive performance, as your valuable grey matter isn't constantly bombarded with too much stimuli.

The power of changing your input

Changing the input is about taking control of your environment and, by extension, your life. It's about creating the conditions that allow you to thrive, rather than just survive. And the beauty of this approach is that it's entirely within your power to implement.

We're not "unproductive" because we're lazy. Often, it's because we're overstimulated and overwhelmed. By changing and reducing the input, we can decrease overwhelm and increase productivity. It's a simple concept, but one that can have a profound impact on your personal and professional life.

Practical examples of changing input for increased productivity

Let's explore some practical examples of how changing input can lead to increased productivity:

1. Email management

Old input: Checking emails constantly throughout the day, interrupting focused work.

New input: Designate specific times for checking and responding to emails, such as 10 AM and 3 PM. Outside of these times, close your email client to avoid distractions.

2. Workspace organization

Old input: Cluttered desk with multiple unfinished projects visible.

New input: Clear your desk of everything except the project you're currently working on. Store other projects out of sight to maintain focus.

3. Meeting schedules

Old input: Scattered meetings throughout the day, breaking up productive work time.

New input: Batch meetings together in specific time blocks, leaving larger chunks of uninterrupted time for focused work.

4. Information consumption

Old input: Constant notifications from news apps and social media.

New input: Turn off non-essential notifications and schedule specific times for catching up on news and social media.

5. Task prioritization

Old input: Tackling tasks as they come in, regardless of importance.

New input: Use a prioritization system to identify and focus on high-impact tasks first, scheduling less critical tasks for later.

The ripple effect of changing input

When you start changing your inputs, you'll likely notice a ripple effect across various aspects of your work and life:

Improved focus: By reducing distractions and creating a more conducive environment for deep work, you'll find it easier to maintain focus for extended periods.

Better decision-making: With fewer trivial decisions cluttering your mental space, you'll have more cognitive resources available for important decisions.

Increased creativity: A less cluttered mind often leads to more creative thinking and problem-solving. The mental space created by reducing input allows for new connections and ideas to form, fostering a more creative approach to challenges.

Enhanced work-life balance: As you become more efficient during work hours, you may find you have more time and energy for personal pursuits.

Reduced stress: By feeling more in control of your environment and workload, you're likely to experience less stress and anxiety.

Overcoming challenges in changing input

Changing established habits and routines can be challenging. Here are some strategies to help overcome common obstacles:

Start small: Don't try to overhaul everything at once. Begin with one or two changes and build from there.

Use technology wisely: Utilize apps and tools that support your new habits. For example, choose software with minimalist interfaces that reduce visual clutter and distractions. This allows you to focus more easily on the task at hand.

Communicate changes: If your new approach affects others, communicate your changes clearly to manage expectations.

Be flexible: Be prepared to adjust your new systems as you learn what works best for you.

Celebrate progress: Acknowledge and celebrate the positive changes you observe, no matter how small.

Embracing the power of input change

Changing the input is a powerful strategy for increasing productivity and achieving success in both your personal and professional life. By thoughtfully curating your environment, habits, and information intake, you create the conditions for sustained focus, creativity, and growth.

Remember, the goal isn't perfection, but progress. Each small change in input can lead to significant improvements over time. As you implement these changes, pay attention to what works best for you and be willing to adjust your approach as needed.

By taking control of your inputs, you're not just managing your time better - you're shaping the very foundation of your daily experience. This approach empowers you to create a work life that's not only more productive but also more fulfilling and aligned with your goals.

As always, if you're ready to build an authentic brand with the same tools and systems that I use, let's chat.

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